How To Make Handmade Earrings - Earrings Collection

How to make homemade earrings?

Earrings / December 27, 2020

This homemade earring organizer is creative, fun, and easy!
If you or someone you know loves to wear earrings, but can never find the matching set, then this is the perfect solution! Hang it on the wall or set it on top of your dresser, this earring rack will ensure that you will never misplace your favorite pair again!

Make an earring rack out of an old picture frame and material from the ragbag.

What you'll need:
-painters tape or duck tape (stronger than scotch tape)
-stapler (optional: see Frame B)
-material (scrap from rag-bag)
-old picture frame (without the glass)
-cardboard (most picture frames come with these- if not, cut to fit inside of frame)
-earrings (chandelier/ dangling earrings only)

**Before you begin**
There are hundreds of different picture frames. Those that work best for this project are large and have a backing that is easily removable- or simply do not have a backing at all.
In this demo, I use two different picture frames to make the earring rack in order to show how it is possible to modify these instructions to the materials available to you.
Steps 1- 7 show picture frame A
Steps 8- 16 show picture frame B

This project is easily adaptable.
You may substitute a screen backing for the cardboard one used in this demo (which would provide faster and easier earring hanging/ removal); however, to do so requires more time and different tools. Do not try unless you are an INVESTED crafter, who can work out the kinks on your own.
With that said, the cardboard backing works wonderfully and is the simplest tool for this project.
